Olga Bondarenko
Associate Member of Canadian Association of Translators (ATIS)
20+ years of translation experience
8 000+ pages translated
Canadian resident since 2011
Notary Public for Saskatchewan
Yes, we translate documents for Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) for Permanent Resident (PR) applications
Such as Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Certificate, Death Certificate, Driving License, Certificate of no criminal records, Internal passport of the country \ National ID, High school diploma and a report card, College diploma and a transcript, University diploma and a transcript, Bank Statement, Reference Letter, Driver experience history (abstract), Court Decision, Military ID, Taxpayer Card
*issued in USSR, Ukraine and Russia
And our translations are accepted by Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
If you are looking for document translation at affordable prices in Winnipeg, then we can help you.
Inexpensive notarized translations from Ukrainian and Russian for immigration to Canada.
Please e-mail your documents to us to get the exact price quote.
$45 per page (taxes included)
up to 200 words per page
free quote
free notarization and e-mail delivery
free physical copy shipping by Canada Post (by request)
we accept Interac e-transfer
MPNP document translation requirements
"The MPNP requires that all documentation be provided in either English or French. When documents are in a language other than English or French, the applicant must submit a notarized photocopy of the original document (as required in the Document Checklist) as well as a copy of its translation.
The MPNP will accept translated documents by a certified English/French translator or any person (with the necessary translation ability) other than the principal applicant's spouse, a member of the principal applicant's family, or a paid third party (immigration representative) that has assisted and prepared the application to the MPNP.
A Translator Affidavit must be provided, which describes the translation ability of the translator. A Translator Affidavit is a document that recognizes the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. In this affidavit, the translator must provide their complete contact details including name, address, phone, fax number and email address, start date and termination date of authorization, if applicable."